Alex Jurado


Graduate in Economics discovering the world of Data Science

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News Summarizer

Using Transformers (BART, and BERT) built a text scrapper that scrapes news papers, cleans them and then generates summaries and word clouds and puts them into a pdf which is then emailed.

PageRank algorithm and centrality

Using the PageRank algorithm to visualize and analize a Facebook newtwork of friends.

Apple’s Time Series Stock predictions

Basic data exploration and more complex time series prediction on future apple stock using both linear regression and a Deep Neural Network with an LSTM layer

Fraud Detection

Working with an inbalanced data set to explore and predict Credit Card Fraud.

Predicting customer churn

Exploring the data and creating a machine learning model to predict future customer churn

World Happiness Exploration

Explored the state of world happiness and built an interactive dashboard with heroku with some interactive data visualizations and animations.

Visualizing Michigan’s economic performance

As part of the final project for Applied Plotting, Charting and Data Representation by University of Michigan and Coursera I decided to explore Michigan’s Economic performance using visualizations.

The Barcelona Unemployment mistery

Data analysis into unemployment in Barcelona

Guess The number / Binary algorithm

Simple game of guess the number where the computer can also play using a binary algorithm

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